Our Relocation Story…

Keep reading to find out more!

Blue Insights
Published in
5 min readMay 14, 2022


Photo by American Green Travel on Unsplash

Life has been a crazy roller coaster for me last 6–8 months!

I have been writing this piece about my relocation for a few weeks now and I still can't seem to finalise it, I keep editing, rewriting paras and sentences & I hope to share it with you all soon!

Sitting on a comfortable bed, my legs extended under a blanket. I know it's early spring, but still, I’m chilly. With the Celtic music playing in the background I am rewriting this piece god knows for ‘n’th time now! I’m feeling the warmth on my cheek, the beautiful music playing, and my heart feels snug with contentment & peace.

I feel in tune with myself, simply being in the very moment of my existence with no need to feel distracted or entertained.

So much has happened in the last few months...

So much has changed, I wonder where to begin.

Did I say I was relocating?

Yes, I was embarking on a new journey with my husband…

to a different country — a new place to explore everything, the country, the continent, the food, the culture, the lifestyle…

Regardless of who you are and from where you are, moving to an entirely new country, after living a relatively settled life with your partner is a nerve-racking thought, but a can be an exciting & adrenaline-filled ride too. I couldn’t be more excited about this whole process which all began in Dec 2021! Of course, it took a great amount of planning, lots of lists, loss of money (giving away things for free or dirt cheap price), sleep & accompanied by anxiety, lost peace of mind, uncertainty & a lot of inner strength and motivation, and energy while accompanied by stress & leave behind all the beautiful books I had in my possession. (Lol, that is a long list, hope I didn't scare you ;)

Getting settled into the hustle and bustle of a new place is a daunting prospect, so I did a lot of research & learning about the country I will be living in ahead of time to take some weight off my shoulders and I did that a lot! So, I felt more in control, which helped me relieve myself of the uncertainty pangs.

In the matter of a few months…What else has changed?

Yeah, I am in a different city, country, and continent, and changed homes twice already, with entirely different weather & surroundings. The entire backdrop of my life stage has changed at every level. I am an outlander in a foreign land trying to make sense of every little thing and the newness around me & making sense of the feelings that arise with it!

As I go through this new phase of life, I want to make the best of it of the time I am here. Record all the beautiful memories, write and share with this community. I am capturing pictures of things that make my heart skip a beat & write poems & essays around it describing the beautiful surroundings and wish to live as if each day were a vacation from which I don’t need a break!

With all the changes happening in the last few months, I didn’t find the mental space to write on Medium as much as I used to. Hence the absence time & again. I would pop in & write a few poems or haikus & bury myself in the vast transition project. I had tons of emotions but none made their way in form of words.

As I write this, I am still unsure if I should be writing this & posting it here on Medium, wondering who would be interested to know my story of moving across oceans!

Oh, did I tell you where I have moved? I have moved across the English channel.

It is…the UK!

Photo by the author — Shweta Shenoy

This move was because of the job my husband was offered with the local firm here & I am one proud wife, cheering for his victory and walking along his side to make this move possible. I’ve watched my husband work hard and with dedication and perseverance to get that job. I thank the Universe and the stars to help him and reward him with what he deserved. It wouldn’t be fair to leave myself out of this, I worked hard to find a job for myself too in the new country on the dependent visa I had! So, now we both have a 9–5 job in the UK and we feel blessed!

I think there is a lot to learn when you move countries! Everything is new, like a baby learning to live in the world they are born into. Each thing is new & challenging.

It has been about a month now since I am here! Finally feeling comfortable in my new surroundings and my heart in accepting of my writing of the relocation piece.

While I was in the transition phase, I felt the muse was missing from writing creative pieces for a couple of months. I was lost in between, transitioning to a new place. For a while felt I was lost and an unknown feeling lingered in my heart while I left the job back in my home country, India, being on notice period for the first time, the feeling of displacement, as if waiting to find my new centre of gravity which seemed far away & along the way I am still lost — but has learned to work on life story anyway! Being lost is being on her way to her next place.

So here I am now, typing away from an apartment in the UK where I can hear the winds whistling and going silent and roar to life over and over again.

Here I am starting from scratch — and loving every minute. It feels like just how I imagined it to be! There is a fragrance of newness in everything. Moving from a developing country to a developed country comes with its differences.

I don’t know what else you need to know about me in the new place. I’ve got a full-time job, am a passionate writer, and love tea and books. But I thought my move said a little bit more about me.

Here I am a few months down the line… feeling somewhat comfortable & settled in a new country, new place, with a newfound job. I thank the Universe for blessing us with more than what we could ask for and for helping us through this phase & to all the people who help me along the way.

Photo by Brooke Bell on Unsplash

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Blue Insights

Exploring my world one day at a time with joy & passion — via words, books, paints & travel. Making sense of what life means to me on this journey